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Creating Hope Though Action – World Suicide Prevention Day

At Mednet Group, we believe that actions speak louder than words. That's why we're getting behind this year's Suicide Prevention Day campaign of 'creating hope through action'.

At Mednet Group, we believe that actions speak louder than words. That's why we're getting behind this year's Suicide Prevention Day campaign of 'creating hope through action'.

We're actively making moves to help support and improve the mental well-being of our team and the broader community through various projects, charity events and policies.

Open and honest conversations

As a certified Mindful Employer, we always strive to ensure our team feels supported and comfortable conversing about mental health and suicide. By creating an environment where people can speak about their thoughts and feelings without judgement, we're helping break down some stigma around mental health and suicide. To do this, we've set up several internal initiatives, including:

  • A conversation toolkit to help guide people unsure of how to have those tricky conversations.
  • A Men's Group to encourage the men in our team to talk about their feelings and stresses.
  • Individual action plans so that every employee can outline the support they need to manage their mental health.

Charity work

We know that giving back and creating a sense of community can improve peoples' self-esteem and well-being, so we're always looking for different ways to help our team achieve just that. We encourage and support our team's volunteering and charity work or getting together for a charity project such as ourannual charity walk for Mind.

We also work with different charities and organisations to run lunch and learn sessions, bringing our team together to learn and develop. This month, we had a session run by Unmasked Mental Health about how to have conversations about mental health and suicide in the workplace.

Positive policy

Back in April, we launched our newmental health strategy: Act, Belong, Commit.

The strategy aimed to get people engaging with each other, sharing targets and goals and our progress towards them. It also brought people together to achieve common targets or share similar interests.

11th September 2023


Mednet Group


Leeds & London
United Kingdom

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