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Country Reports

The death of the cancer drugs fund?

UK flag

NHS England's siloed budget and its uncertain future

Is obesity really a problem in Brazil?

Obesity is on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings

Turkey: A growing pharma market with huge potential

The Turkish biopharma market offers many opportunities - if it can overcome its sustainability challenge

Creating a 21st century life sciences ecosystem


The UK’s life sciences minister on how government and pharma can encourage NHS uptake and innovation

The rising prevalence of diabetes in Europe

The condition is still an unstoppable epidemic

The pharma business environment in the US

Business in the USA

更严格的regulations, more pricing controls and increased international competition will drive market improvements

Turkey's pharma market is ripe for profitability

country report turkey

But will the highly efficient market be hindered by the government price referencing system?

Easier access to medicines in the UK?

Cutting through the NICE value-based assessment consultation to find out what’s at stake

The Chinese diabetes challenge

市场营销、通信和商业关系hips in China are full of pitfalls for the unwary, but not without great potential

Healthcare marketing compliance in the UK - prevention beats cure

UK's MHRA gives its views on rep training, pharma advertising and social media

Compulsory evaluation in France

French authorities will expect robust health economic cases to be made for some drugs

EU gives boost to its network of HTA bodies

EUnetHTA strengthens role in market access in EU

The oncology market in Canada

Ten per cent is not enough - simple estimates of the Canadian oncology market overlook a complex picture

ASEAN: Domestic vaccines manufacturers

Selling vaccines in the region places commercial considerations alongside humanitarian obligations

Putin - pharma’s friend or foe in Russia?


Assessing the opportunities and challenges for pharmaceutical companies entering the Russian market

Rise of generic medicines in Portugal

From a nation in love with branded medicines to one reliant on generics

How Russian lifestyles are affecting the nation's healthcare


Russian lifestyles present a significant challenge to the country’s health services

Unravelling China’s healthcare sector

How will health reforms, the tightening of regulations and the emergence of a domestic drug industry impact global pharmaceutical companies?

The MISTs of time - new emerging markets

The MISTs of time - new emerging markets

As the BRIC foundations become firmly established, where next – and how soon – for those pharma companies seeking to exploit the developing markets?

Pharma investment in Indonesia

Healthcare reforms open up huge potential in the market to companies with a carefully tailored expansion strategy

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Mednet Group

PMEA Agency of the year 2021. With diversity and inclusion at our core, Mednet Group consists of Attigo CIC and...